Uppu Karam Seller application is for sellers to manage their shop, food & orders. Sellers will be provided with a web based admin panel which allows them to create their shop & food. Sellers can offer pickup, door delivery, domestic shipping & international shipping options. There is no charge to create your shop & food. You can create unlimited number of food.Here are some of the cool features for sellers:* User friendly admin panel to manage your shop & food. You will love it!* Seller dashboard with shop earnings, shop payout balance, total orders, active orders, etc.* Manage domestic shipping charges by state with weight breakdown & select type (per kg, per 500gm, flat rate).* Manage international shipping charges by country with weight breakdown & select type (per kg, per 500gm, flat rate).* Close/Open your shop at your fingertip from the seller app.* Marking food In Stock/Out of Stock at your fingertip from the seller app.* Reply to the customer reviews from the seller app.* Prompt email & app notifications for new orders, reviews, etc.